"Why?," you ask. Read on.

As some of you already know, my passion is helping singles attract their soulmate. Since the time I was 12 years old, I’ve never been interested in anything else but love!
But honestly, before now I’ve never been interested in hosting big events like this one. Helping people one on one and in small groups is more my cup of tea.
Then, inspiration struck.
Funny, really.
I was listening to a meditation tape so I should have been focused on it, but I found myself thinking about my friend and colleague Mary Jo Fay, who hosts bi-weekly singles events (). My immediate thought was: “I’d never want to host an event like that.”
Instantly, however, the idea of Adventure Speed Dating popped into my mind. Actually, the details of it flooded my brain. So much so that I couldn’t finish my meditation!!!
I let the ideas come in and settled on, “Hmm, that’s interesting. Sounds like a great concept. But I have no interest in hosting an event.”
And I put the idea to rest.
Only it wouldn’t let me rest. Literally.
For several nights, I would fall asleep, only to wake up an hour later. Once again, details for the event poured in, one idea after another.
“Ok, Ok, I get it, it’s a fantastic idea. But still, I don’t want to do it,” was my reply.
By the third night of this incessant information download, I scribbled down the details and I finally pleaded with the powers that be: “FINE! I’ll do it if you will let me get back to sleep!”
With that promise came a sudden knowing that went like this, “Great, because someone is supposed to meet their soulmate at this event, so we really need you to keep your word!”
So, here it is, my contribution to helping soulmates find each other. It’s bound to happen, otherwise the idea would have died a cold and lonely death the first time it came to me.
Because I’ve learned there is no coincidence- only serendipity. Call it what you will- intuition, gut feeling, a hunch, Universal Guidance. When it comes in strongly, I’ve discovered you are a fool to ignore it.
And besides, now I am totally jazzed because I think, "What's cooler than helping soulmates find each other, especially if it's fun to boot?!"
And so, that's how Adventure Speed Dating at the Ranch was born. And I can’t wait to see who gets to meet their soulmate!

If I told you the story of how I met my soulmate, Greg, you’d believe that serendipity plays a role. Now that I have that amazing kind of love in my life, I’m committed to helping everyone else find it too.
So, if you’ve found your way to this web page, if you’ve heard about this event in any way at all, there is probably a good reason. Consider yourself Universally Guided to be there. And I’m extending to you a warm, personal invitation.
I, for one, listened to the Guidance (even if it was unwillingly at first!). I did my part. Now all you have to do is show up too!
Then we can both laugh at how neither one of us originally wanted to come, but heck yea, it was fun and wasn’t it the best decision we ever made!
After all, I’d hate for you to miss your soulmate!
So, head on over to reserve your spot before they all fill up: Adventure Dating at the Ranch.
Here’s to soulmates coming together in perfect harmony,
Dr. Jenn
PS. By the way, if you have a friend who has been waiting, wishing, and hoping to find a soulmate who doesn’t seem to be showing up- now may be the time to beg, plead, or cajole them into coming with you. Because you may very well be the human angel designated to lead them to their soulmate. You may be the link that brings them together!